Hyvor Talk Comments + Memberstack SSO Integration

This is a simple and quick guide on integrating Hyvor Talk commenting system on Memberstack applications using Single Sign-on (In simple terms, use Hyvor Talk for comments and moderation, and Memberstack for login).

This is a simple and quick guide on integrating Hyvor Talk commenting system on Memberstack applications using Single Sign-on. This allows your Memberstack users to comment via Hyvor Talk using their accounts.

  • No coding knowledge required

  • This uses Hyvor Talk's Single Sign-on feature, which is only available in the 14-day trial period or the business plan of Hyvor Talk.

This guide uses Memberstack 2.0

1. Setting up Hyvor Talk

First, go to the Hyvor Talk console. You'll be asked to create a Hyvor account. After that, you will see the Add Website section. Here, fill in the data and register your website with Hyvor Talk.

Adding website to the Hyvor Talk console before Firebase configuration
Add Website to Hyvor Talk

Now, you will see the installation section and your new Website ID. We will need this website ID in the last step.

Copy the website ID
Your Website ID

2. Setting up Single Sign-on

Next, go to Console -> Settings -> Single Sign-on

  • Turn on Single Sign-on

  • Set SSO Type to Stateless

  • Turn on the Keyless option

  • Set login URL to your login page URL

Setting up Single Sign-on
Setting up Single Sign-on

3. Installing Hyvor Talk and Connecting with Memberstack

Add this code to the place where you need the comments section to load.

1<div id="comments"></div>
2<script async src="https://talk.hyvor.com/embed/embed.js" type="module"></script>
6 window.$memberstackDom.getCurrentMember().then(async ({ data }) => {
8 const comments = document.createElement('hyvor-talk-comments');
9 comments.setAttribute('website-id', YOUR_WEBSITE_ID);
11 if (data) {
13 const email = data.auth.email;
15 comments.setAttribute('sso-user', btoa(JSON.stringify({
16 timestamp: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000),
18 id: data.id,
19 name: email.replace(/@.+/, ''),
20 email: email,
21 })))
23 }
25 document.getElementById("comments").appendChild(comments);
27 });

Make sure to replace YOUR_WEBSITE_ID (line 9) with your website ID from the last step.

Now, the Hyvor Talk comments section should appear on your website and will use Memberstack login. By default, there will also be a guest commenting option, which you can disable from the console if needed.

Using Custom Fields

The above code uses the part before @ of the user’s email as their username, as Memberstack does not support names natively. However, if you have set up custom fields, here’s an example of how to use them:

1comments.setAttribute('sso-user', btoa(JSON.stringify({
2 timestamp: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000),
4 id: data.id,
5 name: data.customFields["name"],
6 email: email,
9 picture_url: data.customFields["picture_url"],
10 website_url: data.customFields["website_url"],
11 location: data.customFields["location"],
12 bio: data.customFields["bio"],


You have just completed setting up Hyvor Talk comments with Memberstack. Now, you can go through the console and change some appearance and community settings as needed. Hyvor Talk also supports an array of languages. You can also find more details in our documentation about customizing and moderating.

If you have any questions, comment below or contact us.
