Privacy Policy (Hyvor Talk)

Last Updated: 2024-08-01

This Privacy Policy extends the general privacy policy available at It specifically addresses how Hyvor Talk collects, uses, and protects data.

Non-binding Summary
  • HYVOR is a privacy-focused company.
  • We only collect data necessary for the operation of Hyvor Talk.
  • In embeds that you place on your website, no analytics, advertising, or tracking scripts are used.
  • On our website, we just use one tool to catch errors, nothing more - not even analytics.
  • We only share your data with third parties when necessary for the operation of Hyvor Talk. This includes email delivery, spam detection, and payment processing.
  • We never sell data to third parties.

1. Embeds

This section covers all data collected through Hyvor Talk embeds on customer websites.

1.1. Data Collected Through Embeds

1.1.1. User Account Information

  • HYVOR Users: Data collected at (refer to HYVOR privacy policy for details).
  • SSO Users: Data securely shared by website owners via Stateless SSO or OpenID Connect. May include name, email, and other profile information.
  • Guest Commenters: Name, email, and other information provided when publishing a comment.

1.1.2. Comment Content

  • The content of comments posted by users
  • Any attachments or media uploaded with comments

1.1.3. IP Address

  • Collected if enabled by the website owner
  • Used for abuse prevention and spam detection
  • For logged in users, recorded at the time of first action (comment, upvote, etc.) and updated on each action.

1.1.4. Interaction Data

  • Reactions: User's reaction choice
  • Ratings: Star ratings provided by users
  • Votes: Upvotes and downvotes on comments
  • Flags: Flags on comments
  • Dates and times of actions: When a user comments, upvotes, downvotes, etc.

1.1.5. Newsletter Subscriptions

  • Email addresses of users who subscribe through our newsletter form

1.1.6. Membership Data (for websites using the "Memberships" feature)

  • Email address
  • Billing address
  • Payment details (processed securely through Stripe)
  • Name on payment method
  • Expiration date of payment method
  • Country of payment method

1.1.7. Devices & Browser Information

  • User's Browser information may be collected for debugging purposes.

1.2. Use of Collected Data

We use the data collected through embeds to:

  • Facilitate comments, reactions, ratings, and other interactive features
  • Provide and improve the Hyvor Talk service
  • Prevent abuse and detect spam
  • Send newsletters (if subscribed)
  • Process payments for paid memberships
  • Generate reports for website owners
  • Comply with legal obligations

1.3. Data Retention

  • Data collected through embeds is retained for as long as necessary to provide our services, comply with legal obligations, or protect our legitimate business interests.
  • Users may request deletion of their data by contacting the website owner or Hyvor Talk support.

1.4. Data Sharing

Data collected through embeds may be shared with:

  • Website owners (limited to data related to their website)
  • Service providers (e.g., hosting providers, email services)
  • Law enforcement or regulatory bodies when required by law

1.5. Cookies and Local Storage

Hyvor Talk embed uses the following cookies and local storage to provide its services:

Authentication token for the user for the current website ID.
180 days
Local Storage
Used to store temporary session data. For example, while OpenID Connect authentication.
15 minutes
This is the HYVOR authentication cookie. See HYVOR privacy policy for details.

In addition, embeds may use local storage to save user preferences and comment drafts.

2. Website

This section covers data collected from users of our website at, including website owners, moderators, and visitors who interact with our marketing pages, the Console, documentation, and other hosted pages at

2.1. Data Collected on Our Website

  • For logged in users, the data is collected at Please refer to the HYVOR privacy policy for details.
  • Additional usage data and preferences may be collected when using the Console, documentation, and other pagse.

2.2. Third-Party Services

We use the following third-party services on our website:

  • Sentry for error tracking and debugging, which may collect information about the user's device and browser.
  • Crisp for customer support, which may collect email, name, and other information provided by the user during the chat.
  • Paddle for payment processing, which may collect billing information.

These services may collect data according to their own privacy policies. Please refer to their privacy policies for more information.

For general information about how we collect, use, and protect data, please refer to the general privacy policy available at