

In some cases, you may want to dynamically create the embeds. Since Hyvor Talk embeds are Web Components, you can easily create them with Javascript.

  1. First, load the script that registers the Web Component on your page.

    function loadHyvorTalk() {
    	// add embed script
    	const script = document.createElement('script');
    	script.src = '';
    	script.type = 'module';
    	// create the element

    These are the embed scripts:

    • - Comments
    • - Newsletters
    • - Memberships
    • - Comment Counts
  2. Then, create the Web Component and append it to another element. Here is an example:

    function loadHyvorTalk() {
    	// add embed script
    	// ...
    	// create the element
    	const comments = document.createElement("hyvor-talk-comments");
    	comments.setAttribute('website-id', YOUR_WEBSITE_ID);
    	comments.setAttribute('page-id', '');
  3. You can also listen to events of each Web Component and use their APIs. See the documentation of each embed for more information.


If you are using Typescript, you can use the @hyvor/hyvor-talk-base library to create the Web Component in a type-safe way. This library provides type-safe helper functions for the embeds. This is the base library we use in our React, Vue, and Svelte libraries.

Note that installing this library will not bundle the embed scripts directly to your build. Rather, it will load the scripts from the Hyvor Talk servers at the runtime.