

HTML installation is the easiest way to install Hyvor Talk on your website.


To install the comments embed on your website, follow these steps. For advanced configurations, visit the Comments page.

  1. Add the following code to your website's HTML code.

    <script async src="" type="module"></script>
    How it works
    The <script> tag registered the hyvor-talk-comments Web Component. Then, <hyvor-talk-comments> renders the comments embed with the given configuration. You can render multiple embeds if needed.
  2. Highly recommended: Set page-id attribute to a ID that uniquely identifies the page. For example, if you are loading posts from a database, set it to database post ID. Most website building platforms provide a way to access the current post ID in templates. If you are in doubt, contact us!

    How Hyvor Talk Identifies Pages
    When the <page-id> attribute is empty, Hyvor Talk will use the canonical URL of the page to identify it. This works fine in most cases. However, if the canonical URL ever changes, a new thread will be shown. You will have to migrate old comments to the new page manually. To prevent that, we strongly recommend you to set  <page-id> to a unique ID.

Newsletter Form

Embed our newsletter form to collect emails from your website visitors. Visit the Newsletters page for more information.

  1. Add the following code to your website's HTML code:

    <script async src="" type="module"></script>
    <hyvor-talk-newsletter website-id="YOUR_WEBSITE_ID"></hyvor-talk-newsletter>


Memberships allow you to monetize your website by offering premium content to your subscribers. Make sure to configure memberships before embedding the memberships form.

  1. Add the following code to your website's HTML code:

    <script async src="" type="module"></script>
  2. Optionally, you can place gated content elements to hide content from non-members.


    Visit Gated Content to learn more about this feature.

Other embeds: